We indeed have had a setback. This is not a tragedy in that God’s gracious hand spared us the grief of losing a life in this incident. After I had learned that all were accounted for I watched the fire in amazement at it consumed all of the valuable tools and equipment in its path. I also had flashbacks of this same building burning in 1981, right before we were to say goodbye to the summer staff and begin the year ‘round work.
I am thankful that we are positioned better today to handle this setback.
One of the great challenges of life is having our lives and our work glorify our God. Whether it be in the “good” in life or the unplanned tragedies, we have the same responsibility.
As I watched the consuming fire I thought of this verse and said it over and over again in my mind. “And he said, “ Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”(Job 1:21 ESVST) I am sure I was not quoting it right, but I got the main idea and I was once again reminded of the frailty of life and how one day all the “stuff” of this life is headed in the same direction of all the “stuff” in the old pole building.
I encourage you to take some time today to praise God for what He has done, what He is doing and what He will do for we battle not against flesh and blood and our praise to our Father is a mighty weapon against all the powers of evil.
God is faithful and will demonstrate His faithfulness to us as we allow Him to do so.
We will soon find out how inconvenienced we will be without the pole building. As it was burning, Brooke mentioned the fact that we just lost all of our toilet paper supply. As simple as this is, it means a quick trip to town to replenish something we probably has a years supply of. The Pole Building was, in a way, our local Fleet Farm. Dan and the crew were able to go there and find just about anything we needed to repair something. This morning we have nothing surplus to work with.
As far as I know we also lost our four wheel drive tractor and our smaller equipment, like the snowmobiles we use to groom the trials, etc. in the side garage, which also was destroyed.
Just as in the past, the burning of the pole building was the beginning of something great, I pray that this time, almost 35 years later, will be no different. Let’s look for ways to make this a monument to God rather than a memorial to the losses.
With that said, Johnny will be taking care of the business side of things as there is much to be done in paperwork, meeting with insurance companies reps, fire inspectors, and/or whatever. Dan will be working with his crew in the physical aspects of cleaning it all up, planning and getting a new building in place.
With winter upon us and no place to work on vehicles or store equipment and supplies it is prudent that we slide this effort to the top of our list. This could mean that other projects get delayed or even abandon for a while.
We need to coordinate our efforts, as we always do. Dan will be the final say on how this building will be rebuilt and will work with John on what we can do and when according to the finances and other resources we may find. Therefore, if you want more information or desire to help you should seek either John or Dan. There are many who have said they want to physically help. We appreciate that but as of now, we need a bit of time to plan so we can make good use of any boots on the ground.
I would encourage all to think of places they know that might want to help. We lost our auto and wood shop as well as our plumbing, electrical and housekeeping supplies. Our mechanics lost all of their tools, and in Dave’s case, a lifelong collection of very expensive tools.
Should you know of people who own auto repair places, car dealerships, plumbing supply companies, electrical contractors, etc. and they would like to help us furnish our new shop please put our case before them.
As always, let us make sure we put our case before our Lord and trust that He will work out all things to His glory. I encourage you to take good notes and see, and record the fact that God is good.
There is a volunteer rake crew here today. I saw the rakes were outside the pole building, by the Lodge. Good move Dan, the raking can go on. That is more than we had back in 1981….we are already ahead of the game.
Thanks…let’s see what God will do.