Saturday, June 29, 2019


It is difficult to watch the candidates for President of the United States exploit the situation at the border to try and win votes. The situation at the border is sad. 

It is sad that people have lost hope in their homeland and want to flee to another country. The overwhelming numbers has created a logistical nightmare that we must address.

I am confused by the many politicians who seem to be embracing the problem for personal gain and trying to appeal to our emotion rather than reason. 

It seems as if this crowd demands choice apart from responsibility when it comes to the most innocent lives in the womb. They redefined children in the womb to be fetuses, tissue, and inconveniences. They speak of the rights of women to destroy the life that grows inside of them as if it is a human right rather than a travesty. 

Men and women have choice. They can choose to be sexually active or abstain from sexual activity.  Should they decide to be sexually active, the natural consequence could be the creation of another human being.  Regardless of how you label this precious life, it is a result of two peoples choices. (I know we always want to jump to the exception of rape and incest…but for the sake of clear thought, let's stay with the choice thought here.)

 Our choices always have consequences and will affect those who depend upon us positively or negatively. The weaker will always be at the mercy of the stronger and the strong must choose to use their strength in a way that will empower them, or they have misused their strength/power. 

I understand the pictures of children in cages at the border were taken during the Obama administrations time in office. I am neither a promoter or detractor of President Trump. However, it is a political stunt to paint one administration as the problem, and this alone shows us we should discard the credibility of those doing so. 

More disturbing to me is the lack of logical thought by the Democratic candidates. They care about helpless children at the border but not about helpless children in the womb? Why do they get to choose which children are worthy of caring for or defending? Don't the children in the womb want to live a better life too? Don't they want to be united with their parents and live in a free society?

If I, as a parent, choose to disobey the laws of the land, I am punished. My punishment will separate me from my family, adversely affect their income potential and harm innocent people. The same would be true if I violate the immigration laws of a sovereign nation. 

If our nation's leaders are going to be consistent in thought, they need to reconsider all action taken against any parent that has adversely affected the innocent. You can take a picture of the children at the border, or of a child in a parentless home in a gang infested area and see the same devastation. You can also take a picture of a child in a womb and see the devastation that takes place during an abortion. 

When any nation turns from God, their people no longer have the ability to discern and all situations become platforms for personal gain. Our political leaders need to embrace the importance of all children, not just those who benefit them politically. 

There is a God with a plan, we should listen to Him.

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