Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Reframing Leadership

The most important quality for leadership is the ability, desire, and dedication to being a good follower.

We were made to be like sheep, and sheep follow. Those who choose to follow the right person will be successful. Those who choose to follow the wrong person or things will be disappointed, at best.

Throughout the years, we have been told that leaders are those who have people following them. We have placed the emphasis on being followed rather than being a follower. Therefore, we have opened the door for all kinds of manipulation, psychoanalysts, and politics, in order to prove and sustain our leadership.

People have desired to be effective leaders because they want to be at the top of the pile rather than support the pile. They want to be effective leaders so that their organizations thrive, they become financially independent, and they have the admiration and respect of those in control.

The apostle Paul talks about leadership differently. He states this: This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2 ESVST)

In the context of discussing leadership, Paul says that true leaders are faithful servants and stewards. A good servant is one who is consumed with serving the needs and purposes of the master. They are following what is best for the master. They are subjecting themselves to making sure that what is important to the master is important to them.

Satan, at one point, wanted to change all of this and make himself the master. He did not want to follow, but wanted to be followed.

It is true that we need to live our lives in a manner that others would follow us, but this is in the context of the fact that if they follow us, they would be following Christ, for that is what we as leaders really do.

There have been great leaders throughout Biblical history who would not, in modern terms, be considered leaders, because they had no one following them.

Ezekiel, Noah, Stephen, and others would have been considered non-leaders, yet they are some of the most powerful leadership examples that we have. Moses, arguably, one of the best leaders of all time, seems to always lose the peoples attention, and they were moaners and groaners, and many times wanted to abandon Moses. The only time Moses really got in trouble was when he abandoned following Gods instructions.

Leaders need to reframe leadership.

If leaders continue to be consumed with how to manipulate, cajole, and direct the masses, instead of being consumed with loving God and delighting in His Word, we will actually be leaderless. The blind can lead the blind, but the end result is not good.

Here is a list of what would characterize good leaders:

1.     Understand that there is a God, and understand that they are not Him.
2.     Understand there is a plan, and understand that it is not their plan.
3.     Understand that the real problem in life is sin, that I am the sinner, and that all I deal with are sinners and have the same problem and same solution.
4.     Have responded to Gods invitation and have accepted His gift of life offered through His Son, Jesus.
5.     Understand that time and chance have more to do with success than skill, rhetoric, and manipulation, and that God is the one who controls the time and chance.
6.     Abide with God, and delight in His Word.
7.     Desire to put flesh onto the plans and desires of God.
8.     Desire to be put in a position to make others successful.

Leadership is really not an arrangement; it is a relationship. It is about following God and what is right, and doing so in public. It is about making those around us successful.

Moses, Paul, Peter, and others felt inadequate in their leadership ability, as they should have, because when we focus on ourselves, we are inadequate.

God is not in need of someone to lead. He wants His children to join Him, follow Him, and let Him lead. He is capable; we are not. He is able to provide; we are not. He is able to see the future. We are limited to guessing about the future. He is able to secure the victory. We are only able to hope we win.

Sheep follow. Its what we do. Leaders are the best followers, and in doing so, become the best leaders.

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