Friday, April 22, 2016

A Confused People

We are a confused people, and confusion causes us to lose our alertness. This plays well into Satan’s schemes.

Some might already be comfortable in their confusion, and insist that those around them live in confusion as well, so that we can all get along. Can you picture what the world would look like if we all were confused about all things?

Confusion happens when people do not have a grip of reality, and when we dismiss God from being the cause and purpose of all things. In fact, we have attempted to make us the cause and purpose of all things.

Chelsea Clinton recently discussed abortion rights and said this: A woman’s right to choose is at the core of our human rights and what should be equity in our country[1]”. Making a statement like this, and having it accepted by anyone, anywhere, shows how confused a people can be.

When we think that our feelings or our belief in something makes something right or wrong, we are in big trouble. A man who believes he is really a woman is really a man, and a woman who believes she is really a man is confused. A man who believes he is a cucumber, or a horse, or dragonfly is confused at best.

Society used to make accommodation for such people in special places where these people could be cared for and not harm or confuse others. Yet today, confusion seems to be the new normal, and the more confused we are, the more normal we are.

Not only is confusion becoming normal, but those who are confused are continually wanting to force those who are not confused to accommodate their confusion as normal.

The nation, as a whole, is playing out the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes, and we the people are the Emperor. In thinking we are impressing the world with our “tolerance” and accommodation, we are the laughing stock of those who are not confused.

How did all of this come to be, and what can be done to stop this erosion of sanity?

I am sure there are many causes to this effect, but we can start with the simple, and realize that the ignoring of God as God is the start of trouble. If God is not God, then we create one of our own liking, and often times, we become or take the place of God.

If the earth was an accident, then so are we. If we are just accidental blobs of protoplasm, then nothing matters anyways, so we might as well allow our feelings, emotions, and desires to create truth rather than to actually discover what truth is.

I heard a news reporter the other day say that Hollywood is the number one influencer of thought in our nation. This may or may not be true, but if it is true, it helps answer why the fantasy life of so many is becoming their “reality.”
For years we have immersed ourselves in the pretend world of Hollywood to the point where now the pretend is more reality than reality.

Once again, this leads to confusion.

In order for confusion to reign, reality must remain foggy. In order for confusion to reign, good and bad need to replace the words right and wrong, and mutually exclusive ideas need to “coexist” in order for us to find “peace.”

In order for confusion to reign, belief needs to be the criterion for truth, and feelings need to be the proof of reality.

Well, in reality, if I may use that term, good and bad are cultural terms that always need comparing, and right and wrong are absolutes around which one can build their life. God is the author of right and wrong, and things are only good if they are right, and things are always bad if they are wrong. To mess this up messes us up.

In reality, mutually exclusive ideas cannot exist. God in the Scriptures and Allah in the Koran cannot both be God, in that they are portrayed differently, and to say that they are the same, or to tolerate both ways of thinking will mess up or confuse our thinking.

In reality, males and females are determined at birth by God, who gave these individuals male or female characteristics. Genetics determine gender, not feelings, wishes, or desires.

President John Adams once said this: We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

John Adams understood the purpose and meaning of the Constitution as did John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who was appointed by George Washington himself and who once said this: Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”[2]

The young people in our nation today are confused, and thereby will be the most depressed, unproductive, and unresponsive generation in our history.

Those who have been set free by the truth need to put themselves in relationships with those who are confused and enslaved by lies before this confusion reigns supreme, and sanity becomes something talked about in historical terms.

God is not tolerant, but patient, yet His patience is only available to those who will show movement towards the truth, not those who insist on living in ignorance.


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