We are a confused nation. Confusion is something that fuels
helplessness and hopelessness. It does not need to be this way.
Many have abandoned God and thereby abandon reason. Those who
reason have a set of absolutes with which to evaluate their reasoning upon, and
without such a structure, it is impossible to have reason.
Those who are Godless are unreasonable.
When someone subscribes to the idea that there are no absolutes,
they become the absolute. Imagine the shock and horror that will take place
when they discover that they never were and are not in that position.
Our thoughts and ideas have evolved throughout the years. We
kindly make fun of those who at one time thought the world was flat, and at
medical professionals who did not realize the importance of washing their hands
inbetween patients. Landing on the moon was a someday dream at one time, and
Alexander Graham Bell was brilliant in providing to us a gadget that enabled us
to talk to one another even though we were separated by miles.
We often think of ourselves as having come a long way, and we
have. Yet, fifty or one hundred years from now, the very things we now consider
modern, sophisticated, and necessary, could be looked upon as simplistic,
naïve, and well, nice, for those who were so limited in understanding.
We seem to always look at ourselves as the measure of success,
and avoid absolutes in that they have the possibility of destroying our
carefully designed deceptions.
Reasonable people embrace absolutes, for they allow us a simple
understanding of life, death, significance, and security.
Here’s an example.
In the beginning God, not Dave.
God created, meaning that there is an ultimate “force” in the
universe, and that the created has meaning and purpose.
The revealed purpose of creation is to allow us to love God and
each other, and in doing so, display who God is in our very flesh.
I did not choose the day of my birth, and I will not choose the
day of my death.
I will die and actually be dead much longer than I was ever alive
on this earth.
In reality, the simple rules. The simplicity of God’s plan
transcends time. Our knowledge will change, as will our perspectives,
understandings, health, wealth, and so on, but our God will not. His purposes
will remain. They are simple and direct.
Satan seems to worm his way into our lives and culture whenever
and however he can. He seems to enjoy helping us elevate ourselves so that it
is our feelings, emotions, ideas, thoughts, and more that rule and not God.
When this happens, we become a confused people, and have all the
‘fruits’ of confusion evident in our lives and nation.
One might ask in what ways have we made the simple complex?
Here are some illustrations.
Gender: Each of us is born either a male or female. God made it
simple. Abandoning the simple has made this confusing.
Marriage was intended to be a covenant between one man and one
woman. Abandoning the simple has made this confusing.
Sexual intimacy was meant to be between a male and female who
have committed to faithfulness to each other.
Abandoning the simple has made this confusing.
This list could go on and on in that Godless people make things
complex in order to hide their desperate and hopeless ways. Complication fuels
The tax code, ObamaCare, and other laws of the land demonstrate
how complexity fuels complacency. I doubt that many have read the entire tax
code and really understood what it said. I also doubt that many have read the
entire ObamaCare regulations and are able to grasp the entire concept.
Often what starts our simple becomes complex as we twist and turn
the ideas in ways that sound good for everyone, but somehow benefit us.
When you think about it, our highest governmental officials do
not use ObamaCare, and the richest people in the world pay little in taxes.
I have no idea why. It is
way too complicated for me to understand. So, I just ignore the whole mess,
demonstrating, once again, that complexity fuels complacency.
It is time to get back to the basics, to the simple. If we do we
will re-engage many into the processes of life. If we do not, we will continue
to slide towards meaninglessness.
For now, the choice is ours.
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