Saturday, September 17, 2016

Wasted Gifts?

There is a substantial amount of money being donated to political causes in the United States. As of today, according to, the candidates for public office have been given $993,651,906.00.

I cannot help but wonder why? 

I am amazed at the amount of money competent business people seem to waste on politicians. Our nations’ leaders have failed to lead. We are a nation that has abandon God, abandon reason in the areas of family, gender, abortion and public aid, budgeting, etc.

We spend extraordinary money on educational systems that are broken. Information at institutions of higher learning seems filtered through a politically correct cheesecloth. Safe zones, where the free expression of ideas are no longer welcome, are becoming more normative. Those who graduate from college often need to be retrained because the schools have become more of a holding tank than a training ground. 

To add to the confusion, we pay athletes, who have used and enjoyed the freedom they have been given in our country, millions of dollars to entertain us and then watch them disrespect the very symbol that represents the system that gave them their opportunity. 

Why? Why are there so many people willing to give so much for so little in return? Incompetent government, spoiled self-centered athletes, and fantasy world universities represent the problem not the solution. 

People and businesses must be donating for some reason that serves themselves. They must be giving for what they get out of it regardless of what it actually accomplishes. They must be giving to obtain power or position for themselves and are willing to continue to support a broken system for their personal benefit. 

This seems terribly short sited.

For years those who have donated to the nonprofit I serve have insisted that we show that their investment with us, in the form of a gift, is well used. Obviously that is not the same standard placed upon those in politics, athletics or education. 

Silver Birch Ranch is beginning to make plans for it’s 50th summer. For fifty years we have worked with children and families in order that they may know Christ and learn how to make Him known. The real answer for the challenges we face is to know God. Those who truly know God, love God. Those who love God love people. If you know God, love God and love people you will make proper decisions and be worthy of donated dollars. 

If you are going to give your money away I would suggest that you give it to Silver Birch Ranch. They have been able to stay focused for 49 years and are still serving our nations children and families. Since gifts given or fees paid to government, athletic events and colleges seems like a certain waste you could use your resources to fund something outside those “norms” that has the possibility of actually fueling real hope and change. 

I think we, as a nation, should rethink why we give. You can find more information on Silver Birch Ranch at

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