Our goodness does not merit God’s provision. God’s provision merits our goodness.
Thinking that God is dependent upon our action or inaction for anything can be dangerous in that we slowly develop the theology that is human dependent, rather than God dependent.
There is nothing that is human dependent. My choices matter to the extent that they will affect my ability to be a part of the victory, but they will not affect the victory. My choices, which are sometimes a mystery to me, are not a mystery to God, and He has already adjusted to accommodate for my decisions.
To some, this minimizes personal choice and responsibility, when, in reality, it has no effect on their importance. God is love, and choice is the single most important aspect of love, for without it, there is no love.
Narcissistic people live as victims. They reduce their personal responsibility for decisions they have made by blaming others, and the ultimately blame is usually aimed at God. When someone blames God for their sinful choices, personal responsibility and guilt are totally removed.
Those who think they can do nothing about a situation usually do nothing about the situation. They live in a constant state of defeat, by choice.
God does not need man; He wants man. He does not force us to love Him. He gives us choice,and that choice is real, as are the consequences of those choices. Because God knows the future, He adjusts history to insure His plan will be accomplished.
It is difficult for us, the created ones, to fully comprehend the creator, and that is one of the characteristics that makes us different. We are not God. We are man and can only think, understand, and make decisions as man.
Those who are in God’s family have God Himself, living within in the form of the Holy Spirit, and are capable of making decisions based on their sensitivity to listening to Him. Those who listen to God live by faith, meaning that they live in a way that makes no sense to those who do not know or listen to God.
The Scriptures make it clear that God is sovereign and that we have choice. The only way we do not believe this is to put our own understanding above what God has clearly demonstrated. Those who do that are placing their own understanding at the same level as God’s, which is ludicrous at best.
We need to position ourselves to enjoy God’s provision, and be available to be used by Him in His provision. Some of the greatest moments of God’s revelation happened during some of the toughest moments throughout history.
My behavior will demonstrate to the world who God is or show the world the foolishness of living without the counsel of God. For now, the choice is mine, and it does matter.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.” Proverbs 3:5-7 (ESV)
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