Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Fools in Paradise

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good. Psalm 53:1 (ESV)

There is a problem with a society that abandons the Bible in that they also abandon God. Without God and His Word, there are no absolutes, and instead of dealing with right and wrong we are dealing with good and bad, and we must determine good and bad by compare and contrast.

In a "relative" world, nobody can be held accountable. Actions are justified by the masses, and leaders concentrate more on convincing the people of their agenda than being right and wrong.

In a relative world, the appearance of good is better than being right, and one is only wrong if he or she gets caught, and cannot "wiggle" out of the accusations.

In a relative world, belief replaces truth, feelings trump thought, and comfort is valued more than work. Since there is no possibility of being judged by anyone who matters, lifestyles become something we justify rather than live, and all who disagree with me are thought to be not only wrong but evil.

Hitler did not try to obey God, and he tried to persuade people. He did whatever he needed to do to gain power, and once in control, he used his authority to punish those who opposed him. 

There were those he persuaded and those he could not influence or intimidate into submission he eliminated. 

The government of the United States of America was founded on principles from God's Word. Our forefathers knew the value of absolutes and thereby could declare that all men are created equal.  Laws could be formed that had the backing of the "absolutes" found in the Scriptures, and government officials were servants entrusted with a sacred trust, not royalty who looked after their interests. 

A nation that has abandoned God's Word and God will eventually debate about issues that are explicitly taught in God's Word as if God was not clear in His communication, and thereby dismiss God from its decision-making process.

In the end, we do what Satan did, and what Hitler did, and have made all things about us. We make it so that others must answer to us for their actions, and because the belief is that there is no God, we become god or judge in all cases. 

In 2 Timothy 4, Paul tells Timothy how to teach. He says to reprove, rebuke, and exhort his pupils. To be able to reprove, rebuke, and exhort, one needs to have and know absolutes and how to apply them to life.  

Without absolutes, teaching is impossible, and teachers’ value is diminished. Schools become holding tanks rather than institutions of learning, and the educated become those who have put in the time, rather than those who have learned. 

The apostle Paul told Timothy to be patient, and he warned him to be patient and that the time would come when people would abandon truth and find leaders who told them what they wanted to hear and the people would follow them. 

Well, that time has come, and apart from going back to the Scriptures and knowing and acknowledging God and the way things were meant to be, we have no hope. 

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