I watched an ad for saving helpless animals, I hear a human voice talk of being the voice for those who have no voice.We are a nation that humanizes animals and dehumanizes babies/children. Since they cannot speak up for themselves, they are being killed.
New York passed legislation that legalizes murdering children. The voice I heard was that of the legislative body cheering because they legalized the murdering of voiceless children.
All humanity suffers from sin. Those who claim that all are good must redefine the word good. Those who have redefined good have redefined what it is to be human, so they can eliminate, without ill conscience, the inconveniences of life and call what was once deplorable, good.
It is one thing for individuals to have no conscience, while it is quite another for institutions, that are entrusted to be our conscience, to care more about what is popular than what is right.
Politicians speak of holding personal convictions that would not affect their political decisions, and somehow, we have found this insane idea acceptable.
For the most part, the church was silent in Hitler’s Germany. Hitler redefined what it was to be human, and those designated less than human were expendable.
Definitions may change how I feel about evil, but how I feel does not change the reality of sin.
Populism is the opiate of the people. Authority is the enemy of populism. We have normalized populism, made those who challenge popular opinions evil, and will now pay the price for our errant thought process.
Churches, schools, elders, and politicians who remain silent to please a self-serving population fuel the fires of individualism that will eventually divide our nation in a way that is irreconcilable.
The United State of America is a republic, and a republic demands leaders who know and love God and the people they have been entrusted to lead. If populism becomes their driving force, the nation will splinter, as decency, morals, and life itself take on new definitions.
Populist leaders, like Hitler, begin to care more about how they obtain and keep power than about what is right and wrong. In a strange turn, they think that whatever they need to do to gain the popular vote, or to garner popular opinion, is right for them to do.
Populist leaders use people and situations for their personal agendas. The same politicians who decry the treatment of innocent children at the border are willing to kill innocent children who are unwanted by their parents. It does not make sense, because it cannot make sense.
In the process, we lose our soul, our stability, and our hope.
There is a God. I am not Him. One day I will die and remain “dead” far longer than I ever lived, and I will give an account of my life to God.
Right and wrong, as defined by God, will be the criterion by which I am judged.
The majority opinion is just that--the majority. It has nothing to do with right and wrong. Instead, the majority has to do with what most people think.
Until we have evidence that a majority opinion is a criterion for absolute truth, we need to be cautious.
The cheering of the New York legislative body after the vote to legalize the killing of children is barbaric. Those who believe this is right are wrong, and no amount of cheering will ever change that fact.
I am saddened and disappointed and am publicly stating that the decision made by the legislative body in New York is barbaric and unacceptable. No matter what the law reads, the murdering of children is unacceptable.
All humanity suffers from sin. Those who claim that all are good must redefine the word good. Those who have redefined good have redefined what it is to be human, so they can eliminate, without ill conscience, the inconveniences of life and call what was once deplorable, good.
It is one thing for individuals to have no conscience, while it is quite another for institutions, that are entrusted to be our conscience, to care more about what is popular than what is right.
Politicians speak of holding personal convictions that would not affect their political decisions, and somehow, we have found this insane idea acceptable.
For the most part, the church was silent in Hitler’s Germany. Hitler redefined what it was to be human, and those designated less than human were expendable.
Definitions may change how I feel about evil, but how I feel does not change the reality of sin.
Populism is the opiate of the people. Authority is the enemy of populism. We have normalized populism, made those who challenge popular opinions evil, and will now pay the price for our errant thought process.
Churches, schools, elders, and politicians who remain silent to please a self-serving population fuel the fires of individualism that will eventually divide our nation in a way that is irreconcilable.
The United State of America is a republic, and a republic demands leaders who know and love God and the people they have been entrusted to lead. If populism becomes their driving force, the nation will splinter, as decency, morals, and life itself take on new definitions.
Populist leaders, like Hitler, begin to care more about how they obtain and keep power than about what is right and wrong. In a strange turn, they think that whatever they need to do to gain the popular vote, or to garner popular opinion, is right for them to do.
Populist leaders use people and situations for their personal agendas. The same politicians who decry the treatment of innocent children at the border are willing to kill innocent children who are unwanted by their parents. It does not make sense, because it cannot make sense.
In the process, we lose our soul, our stability, and our hope.
There is a God. I am not Him. One day I will die and remain “dead” far longer than I ever lived, and I will give an account of my life to God.
Right and wrong, as defined by God, will be the criterion by which I am judged.
The majority opinion is just that--the majority. It has nothing to do with right and wrong. Instead, the majority has to do with what most people think.
Until we have evidence that a majority opinion is a criterion for absolute truth, we need to be cautious.
The cheering of the New York legislative body after the vote to legalize the killing of children is barbaric. Those who believe this is right are wrong, and no amount of cheering will ever change that fact.
I am saddened and disappointed and am publicly stating that the decision made by the legislative body in New York is barbaric and unacceptable. No matter what the law reads, the murdering of children is unacceptable.
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