Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Light

Romans 1:22-25 (ESV Strong's)  Claiming to be wise, they became fools,  and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves,  because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

The godless are not wise; they are foolish. Just as sunlight shortens from June 21 to Dec. 21 hope fades little by little to those who desire darkness rather than light.

As the light of the sun has less time to penetrate the soil, the plants begin to cease growing and producing and hunker down to survive the winter. The ground becomes hard, the air cold, the nights long and at times, survival becomes more critical than the enjoyment of life.

As the days lengthen and the suns rays once again begin to penetrate the earth’s soil, we begin to have hope, we see life beginning, and the very process of fruit production begins. The beauty of the light begins to warm the hearts, and the soil and life switches from survival mode to satisfaction mode as hope, temperatures, and daylight soar.

Our nation’s leadership is no different from our nation’s soil. The less the light of God penetrates the souls of leadership, the harder the soil becomes. As the soul soil becomes hard, the goal switches from satisfaction in this life to survival. Hope, fruit, and life become scarce, and the masses switch to survival mode.

The only way for this darkness to prevail is to limit the light, so the goal of the godless is to limit the Word of God, the Authority of God and the voice of the prophets who speak God’s Word to the people.

Hitler limited the light, and the world plunged into darkness. Hitler counted on the popular vote rather than what was right and mistaking believed that the majority of opinion makes something right. He was mistaken and lived one of the darkest lives ever recorded.

The light softens the frozen soil of the soul, and the more exposure to the Light of God’s Word, the softer the soul. Light provides fuel for food production, thereby empowering a purposeful life. Light clearly shows us the conditions around us so that we can rejoice in the good and clean up our messes.

The United States seems to be heading into the winter of our existence as those in authority keep limiting the light. The darkness that engulfs their soul blinds them and obliterates hope, productive change, significance, and security.

Without the light of God, the weakest of this world have no voice, and the darkness that prevails in Washington DC authorizes atrocities that were, at one time, unthinkable.

Without light, our leadership appeals to survival skills rather than life skills, and the future of all people and businesses is mortgaged on the altar of the moment.

In the darkness, people cried out to crucify Christ, and as He hung on the cross, God brought real darkness over the earth so the world could get a glimpse of what they had done.

We can no longer allow our leadership to ignore the Light of God’s Word. Those who love God need to live as if they love God and enable the light of His Word and presence to penetrate our world. For now, the choice is ours.

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