Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile. It is thrown away. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Luke 14:34-35 (ESV) When you obtain salt, you do so in order to gain the benefit of salt. Salt that lacks the qualities of salt is not worth buying. In fact, it would be a waste of your money. Those who have purchased salt and expected it to act like salt only to find out after using it that it was worthless are sorely disappointed. The salt is actually worthless, or, dare I say, worse than worthless because of the expectation for which it set you up. Likewise, those who seek Christians do so for the effect Christians are to have on those around them. To seek Christians, and find them, and then realize that they have no effect on the culture around them, is a waste of time. What good are those who name themselves Christians, and yet who have no effect on the world around them? They have no value to the world and very well could be more harmful than if they rejected the label “Christian.” We do not like passages in the Bible that call people worthless, however, Jesus knows what He is talking about and makes it clear that those who attempt to find their worth outside of Christ will never find it, and those who pretend to be something they are not, are actually worthless. The silver lining is that God loves the worthless, and while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. This speaks volumes about God and His love and faithfulness. |
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