Friday, April 24, 2020

Societal Confusion

A confused society acts in accordance with its confusion, eroding the mortar of a culture and nation. 

Confusion is the fruit of each person doing what is right in his own eyes. We become so self-absorbed that we cannot comprehend how or why someone would not think like we think. Our world revolves around our thinking, our comfort, our likes, and our dislikes. How could others’ thinking be different? Why do they not understand my world? 

Those who are not confused realize that they are but a small and insignificant part of the universe. They are insignificant because of their place, not their position. If everyone holds the right position in their place, they have tremendous significance and security. Our position is tied to who we are associated with, and why, and not what we do and where, or how much we have and what we do with it. 

My position is that of a child of the King. It is the King, or God, who has demonstrated my significance in that He created and sustains me, and He has created the universe for me to inhabit. It is the King of Kings who is my Father, to whom I can go anytime, anywhere, and who has limitless power and authority in this world and the universe. The King does not need me but wants me, and He has made provision for me to enjoy Him now and forever. In this understanding, my significance and security grow, and my confusion melts away.

Apart from such a relationship, I must create my own truth, my own expectations, and my own world. As easy as it is for me to understand this world I created, it becomes impossible for others to grasp its meaning or my significance. It then becomes a world where the terms of good and bad replace right and wrong, and each person does what is right in his own eyes. 

In that make-believe world, violence is justified, hatred is authorized, and con men abound. In this make-believe world, men redefine critical terms to reflect their kingdom’s rules, and use whatever means they can to create a world they can control. 

In the make-believe world, one only needs to believe something for it to be right, and tolerance towards myself and my kingdom’s subjects is expected, and, in fact, demanded, as I place strict parameters on what is meant by tolerance. 

In the make-believe world, the obvious is no longer obvious, the logic no longer logical, and real power and authority is replaced by the appearance of power and authority. 

In the confusing world, the Emperor has no clothes, and even though the world recognizes that fact, they have begun to believe he is clothed, and that they are just not seeing things correctly. 

Part of the confusion comes from lies that have been wrapped in the shroud of science, equality, love and respect. It’s confusing because of the redefinition of these words. 

Science is no longer searching. They are trying to prove something. Equality is attempting to erase the uniqueness of the individual, love has been redefined as enabling, and respect simply means to be in agreement with another. 

Perhaps the most dangerous trend is thinking that logical people do not believe in God, when, in reality, all logic points to God. 

For example, the iPad on which I type obviously had a designer who designed the iPad with a specific purpose in mind. There is a right way and a wrong way to use this iPad. If I wanted to use it for a life preserver, it would not work, and I would be accused of being a fool. Anyone who would declare that this iPad was not designed and did not have a purpose would be foolish, by any and all standards, and by all people in all places. 

If logic dictates that the iPad had designers and purpose, then it also, and obviously, had to be created within the context of the design and purpose. Once again, for me to think any other thought would be universally illogical. 

The iPad is simple compared to the scope and grandeur of the universe. To know that this iPad had design, purpose, and creators, and to reject that the universe had design, purpose, and a creator is ludicrous as best. 

We must carefully reject wrong definitions because they will drive us to a confusing lifestyle void of real answers and purpose. 

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