Leadership is easy while being a leader is quite difficult.
Leaders are those who follow. They have a desire to find the truth and yield to the truth.
Following is hard because followers are admitting that they are not in charge, that they cannot control the situation and their pride becomes a formidable foe.
Leadership is really about position, not positioning.
If the goal is to obtain a following or control others one could do that through various means. Forcing someone to follow or manipulating, coercing, begging or pleading does not make someone a good leader.
In fact, the idea that leadership is about having a following has caused many in leadership to focus on how many are following them and the methods to which they must use to gain that following. The focus of these leaders shifts from providing an example to making them the example.
This opens the door for all sorts of abuse creates an atmosphere of fear, doubt, debt and regret.
Any person can study people and then focus on what it takes to manipulate then to do what they want them to do. Anyone can coerce others by somehow manipulating their worlds and making themselves needed rather than wanted.
In reality, God alone is the authority and all who truly are dedicated to following Him are positioned to become true leaders. Those who do not believe in God, who do not follow God are positioned to become dictators, tyrants and despots. Dictators, tyrants and despots may, by definition be leaders but in reality they are those who destroy life and block the masses from ever being a position to reach their God given potential.
The world needs more Christ followers and less leaders.
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